Te Neues Publishing Company Reflections


Avis, Essais, Comparer Te Neues Publishing Company Reflections

Marque : Te Neues Publishing Company
Date de sortie : 21/10/2007
Prix indicatif : 78.00 €

Auteur : Guido Argentini
ISBN-10 : 3832792139
Nombre de pages : 224.00 pages

When we look in a mirror, we consider who we are, and who we want to be. These female nudes from the master of erotic photography challenge our perception of what is real and what is not. Argentini skillfully plays with mirrors to achieve unusual perspectives. The resulting images combine come-hither sensuality with sophisticated distance. With all this posturing and role-play, who knows what will happen next? Decide for yourself who is the fairest of them all.

Notes moyennes des avis

Rapport qualité/prix  Reflections : Rapport qualité/prix : -1,00/4 
Illustrations  Reflections : Illustrations : -1,00/4 

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