Goliath Books Beluga


Avis, Essais, Comparer Goliath Books Beluga

Marque : Goliath Books
Date de sortie : 01/11/2004
Prix indicatif : 40.00 €

Auteur : Jean Van Cleemput
ISBN-10 : 3936709114
Nombre de pages : 174.00 pages

A ravishing mixture of exquisite photography with tastebud-dazzling recipes shot in Antwerp's oldest, kitschiest Chinese restaurant. This unique setting provides the perfect decor for a multicultural range of beautiful models. And chef Wouter Keersmaekers' Michelin-starred kitchen offers up his stylish Belgian international culinary creations to top off this exotic combination of savory faire. Bon appetit!

Notes moyennes des avis

Rapport qualité/prix  Beluga : Rapport qualité/prix : -1,00/4 
Illustrations  Beluga : Illustrations : -1,00/4 

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